# Columns:

Welcome to WAC 2022!

Theme: Applied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles in the 21st Century

WAC is an international non-profit technical meeting dedicated to the dissemination of latest information among all nations of the world. It has always prided itself on helping scientists and professionals from economically disadvantaged nations to the meeting to help pave the road between the North and the South. Some of the proceeds of WAC meetings go to the World Students Scholarship Fund, Inc. - a non-profit New Mexico Corporation. This corporation has already raised close to $40K for needy students.

Papers will be submitted via the EDAS system. EDAS

Physical-in-person sessions: Accepted Papers are expected to be presented physically at the event venue. Download WAC CFP

The WAC Copyright Form is available here: Download Copyright Form

Youth WAC: Youth WAC seeks submissions from school students for up to 2 minute videos on your STEM activities and Ideas. If you have used, are using, or going to use STEM, and you want to tell your story, we have people in over 60 countries who want to hear it!
Youtube: Link
Website: Link
Venue: Hybrid, Presentations Online, Banquet in San Antonio, TX

Important Dates

Event Date
Regular Papers Due June 24, 2022
Special Sessions Papers Due June 24, 2022
Special Sessions of 4 papers Due June 24, 2022
Acceptance July 10, 2022
Final manuscripts upload and early registration Sept. 8, 2022
First Day of WAC 2022Oct. 11, 2022
Last Day of WAC 2022 Oct. 15, 2022

Call for Papers

Information on this site is available here as a downloadable file. Download Flyer

Author Instructions

Instructions on paper submissions can be found on the Author Information page.

Topics in Scope

Smart Cities
Smart Living
Non Binary Computing
Lounge Room Manufacturing
Autonomy & autonomous systems
Human and public health
Covid-19 Pandemics including prediction
Prevention and treatment
Support System for persons with disabilities
Space technologies
Analytics & Data Science
Community Safety
Climate Change
Sustainable Manufacturing
Circular Economy
Pandemic resilience in air transportation systems
System of systems - An framework for understanding advancement of Human Health amidst massive diversity
Models of community response to health care delivery innovations
AI-CAD (computer-aided-diagnosis)
Social simulation
Home health care technologies
Predictive medicine
Smart healthcare
IOT based medical devices
Cyber Physical systems
Smart factories
Smart homes
Industry 4.0:
Autonomous reconfiguration and AI:
Data Centers and Network systems:
Manufacturing and automation big data analytics for medical records
Artificial intelligence for medical imaging
And mining medical literature with deep learning and natural language processing techniques. Situational awareness and Cyber security
Cyber-crime defense and forensics
Next generation cellular network fraud and security
AI for Security and Security for AI
Intrusion Detection and Fraud Detection
Security and Privacy for E-Health
Security and Privacy for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies
Anti-malware techniques: detection
And prevention
Supply Chain Resilience
Transfer Learning

Tracks and Special Sessions


Special Sessions

WAC 2022 is Jointly Dedicated To

Prof. Aly El-Osery
WAC Honoree
New Mexico Institute of Technology
Download Flyer
Prof. John Floyd, MD
WAC Honoree
University of Texas Health Science Center
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WAC 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award Honorees

Prof. Abdollah Ebbie Homaifar
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
North Carolina A&T State University
Download Flyer
Prof. Ali Jadbabaei
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Prof. Reza Langari
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Texas A&M University
Download Flyer
Anthony Nolan
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Independent Consultant
Download Flyer

Bio: Tony Nolan is a data mathematician, futurist, profiler, inventor, musician, artist, and author. He also works with horses, plays several sports, believes in God, and supports his local communities. Tony scored a perfect score on an IQ test, and received an Order of Australia Medal for serviced to the Australian Community, a fellow in the Institute of Analytics Profession Australia, and a Horary Fellowship from the Teachers Guild of NSW. Tony has a mixed race background, which includes Australian, British, Dalmatian, French, Irish, Persian, and Scandinavian. Tony also has ADHD, Asperger’s, and Dyslexia. Tony’s research and invention focuses on the areas of Artificial Life, Astronomy, Cognition, Data Science, Decision Sciences, Fuzzy Logic, Gamification, Information Science, Interval Math, Gap Analysis, Mathematics, Non-Binary Computing, Predictive Modelling, Quazi Fractals, Profiling, Relativity, Risk Analysis, System of Systems, Sentient Analysis, Symbiotic Relativity, Text Analysis, Time, and Writing. Tony has invented: Nolan’s Mathematics, an axis offset which allows the properties of binary to be applied to interval and ratio numbers, a digital hash (Discrete Cosine Transformation), a text message obscuration system, a Universe Interconnection of Things model, CogKnowlogy, Hyperpanometrics, Deep Fuzzy Logic (formally 3d Fuzzy Logic), System of System Gap Relativity, and a Relative Fuzzy Logic Time Series Forecasting Tool. Tony’s latest innovations are in new ways to map risk (PreSystemNation), Predictive Fuzzy Moving Averages, and the base unit for all data & decision modelling (the Energy Brick).
Prof. Umit Ozguner
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Ohio State University
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Prof. Ferat Sahin
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Rochester Institute of Technology
Download Flyer
Dr. Edward Tunstel
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Motiv Space Systems, Inc.
Download Flyer
Prof. Nader Vadiee
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute
Download Flyer
Moises Bucay, MD, FACS
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Cardiology Clinic of San Antonio’s Medical Center
Download Flyer
Michael Heckman, MD
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgeon
Download Flyer
Justin Martindale, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
Promotion Physical Therapy
Download Flyer
M. Reza Mizani, MD, FASN
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
South Texas Renal Care Group
Download Flyer
Prof. Ali Seifi, MD, FNCS, FCCM
WAC Lifetime Achievement Award
UT Medicine
Download Flyer

WAC 2022 Keynotes

Professor Tamer Basar
WAC Honoree Keynote
Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Download Flyer
Strategic Information Transmission and Deception

Abstract: Strategic information transmission refers to a variation (and a substantial one) of the standard paradigm of information transmission in communication (design of an encoder and a decoder in unison to minimize some distortion measure), where now the encoder and the decoder have (intentionally) misaligned objectives. This leads to a non-cooperative game with a dynamic (non-classical) information structure, where one can adopt as a solution concept either the Nash or the Stackelberg equilibrium. The talk will introduce this class of problems, which have been of interest to multiple communities, including economics, information theory, communication, signal processing, networking, and control, having picked up considerable steam very recently. As an overview of the topic, both old and new results will be presented, with one of the highlights (and perhaps a surprising element) being that there appears to be a major difference between the structures of the solutions under Nash and Stackelberg equilibria, even when the channel is Gaussian and the (misaligned) distortion measures are quadratic. Strategic information transmission is an important underlying feature of deception games, which will be highlighted in the talk, along with non-trivial extensions to multi-stage scenarios, covering sensor networks, cyber-physical systems, and multi-agent systems, with adversarial intrusion and elements of deception.
Prof. Mohammad Shahidehpour
WAC Honoree Keynote
Illinois Institute of Technology
Download Flyer
Coordinated Operation and Planning of Renewable Electric Power and Transportation Networks in Smart Cities
Prof. Charles C. Nguyen
WAC Honoree Keynote
Catholic University of America
Download Flyer
From NASA Robot to Head of College

Abstract: As a brand-new doctoral graduate looking for a teaching and research position at a university in the 80s, like many of you, I intended to join a major American university to solely focus on teaching and research and intentionally leave the "dirty" job of administration to the unwises. So I often said that I never wanted to be an administrator at a university. Never say "never"! In this speech I will share with you how I managed to expand my knowledge in linear time-varying multivariable control systems, which you could guess stemmed from my doctoral dissertation to obtain my first grant as a small purchase from NASA to investigate closed-kinematic chain mechanism (CKCM) for potential development of robot manipulators for space applications. This initial grant enabled me to ultimately receive a multi-million dollar grant from NASA to develop one of the first CKCM robot end-effectors for high-precision assembly and maintenance of the International Space Station (ISS). Along the way, we solved a number of issues of CKCM manipulators including dynamics, kinematics and intelligent control of these robots. I will also share how I as a very passionately administration-resisting person became a department chair and then a four-term dean of an engineering college totalling 20 years of administration. Key characteristics for a successful academic leader will be presented. Along with the discussion of the dos and don'ts of an administrative job, the stark difference between a manager and a leader will be reviewed. The notion of avoidable and unavoidable enemies in administration will be discussed. Finally I will demonstrate the usefulness of fuzzy logic in successful administration.

Organizing Committee

General Chair

Dr. Mo Jamshidi, USA
Prof. Yutaka Hata, Japan

Organizing Committee

Publication Chairs

Patrick Benavidez, USA

Finance Chair

Jila Jamshidi, USA

Program Committee


Dr. Syoji Kobashi, Japan


Dr. Kazuo Kiguchi, Japan
Dr. Ilsun You, South Korea
Zheng Xu, China
Jenq-Haur Wang, Taiwan
Dr. Ben Horan, Australia
Dr. Dan DeLaurentis, USA
Mohammad Rajabali Nejad, The Netherlands
Montri Wiboonrat, Thailand
Nguyen Dinh Duc, Vietnam