Bio: Tony Nolan is a data mathematician, futurist, profiler, inventor, musician, artist, and author. He also works with horses, plays several sports, believes in God, and supports his local communities. Tony scored a perfect score on an IQ test, and received an Order of Australia Medal for serviced to the Australian Community, a fellow in the Institute of Analytics Profession Australia, and a Horary Fellowship from the Teachers Guild of NSW. Tony has a mixed race background, which includes Australian, British, Dalmatian, French, Irish, Persian, and Scandinavian. Tony also has ADHD, Asperger’s, and Dyslexia. Tony’s research and invention focuses on the areas of Artificial Life, Astronomy, Cognition, Data Science, Decision Sciences, Fuzzy Logic, Gamification, Information Science, Interval Math, Gap Analysis, Mathematics, Non-Binary Computing, Predictive Modelling, Quazi Fractals, Profiling, Relativity, Risk Analysis, System of Systems, Sentient Analysis, Symbiotic Relativity, Text Analysis, Time, and Writing. Tony has invented: Nolan’s Mathematics, an axis offset which allows the properties of binary to be applied to interval and ratio numbers, a digital hash (Discrete Cosine Transformation), a text message obscuration system, a Universe Interconnection of Things model, CogKnowlogy, Hyperpanometrics, Deep Fuzzy Logic (formally 3d Fuzzy Logic), System of System Gap Relativity, and a Relative Fuzzy Logic Time Series Forecasting Tool. Tony’s latest innovations are in new ways to map risk (PreSystemNation), Predictive Fuzzy Moving Averages, and the base unit for all data & decision modelling (the Energy Brick).